S Y Minerals Private Limited is a private limited company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956. The company is the manufacturer of niche grade Manganese Ore. The main product of the company is Manganese Ore of different grades. The mine is situated at Adilabad on 194.44 acres of Land.

The company is managed by a Board of Directors. The group is managed by knowledgeable professionals who have vast experience in this field for more than three decades and are successfully catering to the requirements of clients.

Health and Safety of Labours

Being a labour intensive mining operation and the mines being located at remote tribal areas, the company lays special emphasis on health and hygiene. The company provides medical care for its employees and the villagers in and around the mining areas.

Research and Development

Proven reserves of Manganese Ore in India are very limited. In order to conserve this valuable and strategic mineral resource, we are carrying out R&D on a continuous basis such as upgradation of low grade ores to medium and high grade, utilization of fines etc. In addition, R&D activities are also being carried out to introduce mechanization, environment protection and other related areas.

Community Development

The company takes up Community Development projects in the villages near the mines. Local villagers have been provided employment to the extent possible in the mines and auxiliary activities. The company also extends financial help in improving infrastructure and cultural activities.